Digitally Drawing

My favorite method for drawing is doing so digitally. Phones, tablets, and computers offer many different apps that can be used to create art, each with their own pros and cons. My favorite app is MediBang Paint, as it is simple to use and has lots of brush options, and the blending is really smooth. On a tablet it also allows you to have a reference in the corner which you can color-pick from. When you're drawing digitally, there's an undo button, in case you're unhappy with something in your drawing, as well as the eraser completely removing any flaws without leaving a trace like pencil on paper would.

Traditionally Drawing

I do still enjoy to draw traditionally, typically with a pen instead of a pencil. I do struggle more with it due to how often I draw digitally. I also enjoy watercolor painting and acyrlic painting, however, those are mainly just for fun, as they aren't my strong suit. Watercoloring is super simple and easy though, as the process is just dipping your brush in water, and then the paint, and just having fun painting something quickly. I also enjoy how watercolors bleed into eachother, which can mess up a painting but also make cool effects sometimes.